Some Pacific Clinics locations have closed due to the fires and high winds. Click here for information and community resources.

Main Services Area

Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.


Pacific Clinics was well-represented at the Fall 2024 California Child and Family Conference in San Diego, California with the theme of “Sparking Change. Shaping Futures.” 

Speakers included Senior Vice President, Justice, Equity, Diversity and InclusionAngelica Cortez, Chief Public Policy and Advocacy OfficerEva Terrazas, Senior Clinical DirectorJoana Garcia, Family Partner Breshawna Ramsey and Mental Health Therapist Kevin Nguyen who led the session, “Developing a Community-Defined and Employee Driven JEDI Department,” where they discussed launching Pacific Clinic’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Coordinator Program, an 18-month leadership program sponsored by the JEDI department that selects one employee from every region to advance the work. Coordinators receive productivity reduction to work in a hybrid role that enables them to develop professional skills, REJ expertise and hands-on experience managing employee groups and REJ training. 

“We hope this helps our partners in this sector, whether if starting their journey or further along,” says Angelica. 

Additionally, Licensed Learning Partner Livier Martínez, DSW, LCSW presented the session, “Therapy Slays! Gen Z & Treatment.” By 2030, Gen Z will represent 1/3 of the workforce and as noted by Psychology Today, 73% of this population feels alone sometimes or always. With this, Martinez has created the framework on how to guide and connect with Gen Z in a different way compared to other generations.

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As this unprecedented situation continues to unfold, we want to express our deepest concern for each of you and your families. The recent wildfires in LA have brought unimaginable destruction, and we can only imagine the confusion, heartache and uncertainty some of you may be experiencing, especially those who have directly been impacted. Please know that you are not alone—we are here to support you.

As of today, January 9, 2025, the following sites in the Greater Los Angeles area are currently open or temporarily closed.

Hye Wrap
El Monte Child
La Via Wellness
Summit Wellbeing/Adult El Monte
El Camino
REI – Orange County
Lynwood – Employees are encouraged to work remotely
New Hampshire – Limited staffing