Some Pacific Clinics locations have closed due to the fires and high winds. Click here for information and community resources.
Pacific Clinics employees, clients and families we serve have been impacted by the Southern California fires. For ways to give, click here: Donate to Pacific Clinics Assistance Fund
Pacific Clinics delivers high-quality behavioral health and social services to advance health equity and well-being for children, adults and families. Learn more about our life-affirming services offered on-site, at home, virtual and in the community.
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)
Individualized Complex Care Services
Neurodevelopmental Services
Intensive Community-Based Services and Wraparound
Mobile Crisis Services
Placement Supportive Services
Prevention and Early Intervention Services
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
First 5
Hope Program and Katie A Program
Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that applies a series of short magnetic pulses (like an MRI) to targeted areas of the brain. This stimulates the brain and enhances the brain’s ability to change abnormal brain patterns that cause depression and restore normal function.
TMS may resolve or significantly improve the symptoms of depression in 65-70% of those that have not responded to one or more antidepressant medication treatments.
Many patients notice benefits within 3-4 weeks of treatment! More information about TMS treatments:
* Side effects are generally mild. TMS is not recommended for those with a seizure disorder, implanted metal within 12 inches of the forehead, implanted electronic devices or for those who are or may be pregnant.
TMS treatment is available at several Pacific Clinics locations. Please contact us at 1-877-722-2737 to inquire about services.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, was developed in 1985. It is a form of treatment that applies gentle magnetic pulses (similar to an MRI) to target areas of the brain. Stimulating the brain in this way enhances “neuroplasticity.” Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change itself and help restore normal function in the brain. TMS works differently than medication and is more effective than medication for many patients. TMS does not affect other areas of the body, so it has few side effects.
Yes, it is safe. The FDA approved TMS in 2008. Most TMS patients can drive home after treatment. The machine gives off a pulsing sound like an MRI, and you will wear earplugs. Furthermore, our physician will manage the treatment and provide necessary emergency care.
You will feel a repetitive tapping/pulsing on your left forehead. Some patients feel no discomfort. Others experience mild to moderate discomfort. However, energy levels can be adjusted, and patients develop tolerance to stimulation after three to four treatments. But you are out in the open in a chair and it’s fast, 3-5 minutes. You can even watch your iPhone or iPad if you want during the procedure.
Some patients experience mild discomfort during the treatment or mild headaches or fatigue afterward. For most people, discomfort, headaches and fatigue improve or resolve after a few treatments. TMS’s only potentially severe side effect is an extremely low risk of seizure (less than 0.01%).
The FDA approved TMS for people with the following disorders and hasn’t had a clinically significant response.
People with seizures, epilepsy, or any metal in their head or neck (such as aneurysm clips, stents, deep brain stimulators, cochlear implants, shrapnel, or others) are not good candidates for TMS. If you have any of these conditions, our physician can perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine your eligibility for TMS treatment.
For the general public, self referrals or referring agencies, please contact our call center at 1-877-722-2737. General inquiries can also be emailed to Then someone from the TMS team will be in contact with you.
You will continue to see your current psychiatrist or nurse practitioner and continue your prescribed medication as by your primary physician. Our TMS physician will coordinate with your primary physician or nurse practitioner.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) uses electrical stimulation to induce a therapeutic seizure, causes muscle paralysis, requires a hospital stay of more than two hours, general anesthesia and recommendations from three psychiatrists. Additionally, it requires a pre-procedure that needs PCP clearance to use anesthesia, labs, or an EKG. When undergoing ECT, patients will need to be driven home. All of these requirements must be met before proceeding with ECT.
TMS does NOT require any of these items and is a much safer treatment.
The recent wildfires have deeply tested our resilience as the devastating fires in Southern California continue to impact countless lives. Tragically, 40 of our employees and clients have lost their homes, and many more have been evacuated as the emergency unfolds. Our teams continue to assist clients and families during this time.
If you’d like to give, donate below.