For a fourth year in a row, renowned chef and owner, Nick Difu, dedicated an entire evening at Nick’s Next Door in Los Gatos to children and families who enjoyed a spectacular, private dinner. Our heartfelt thanks to Nick for many years of support and for giving families a memorable experience together. Nick and his staff’s warm support play a valued part in helping strengthen families.
Nick and staff served up a four course meal and treated kids to a tour of the kitchen and back rooms. Kids were able to ask questions about the restaurant and see how meals are prepped for dinner.
Locals know that Nick’s Next Door is a regional treasure for bringing friends and families together for special occasions. Extending this kind of experience to struggling kids and families is an exceptional gift and a valuable addition to the services we provide.
Our heartfelt thanks go to Nick and his staff for extending their gracious hospitality and and giving families a night to remember!
For more information on how you, your company or group can sponsor or volunteer at an event, please contact Darren DeMonsi, (408) 364-4058.